Here's me and Bee. We weren't allowed to be friends until swearing-in, because she's one of the ajans. Now that we're sworn-in, we are friends!
Here is the last meal out with a bunch of PCT's the night before heading off to side. It was a really great night.
Conor eating gui-dio -- noodle soup. Ok, it's late... very late. We went out to a fantastic club in Bangkok, the first club I've been too in ages. About 15 volunteers came and we had an awesome time doing the metro thing. The last time I'll do that in a long time!!!!!!!!
View when you walk in the door. The open door is the bedroom. You can't see it, but on the left hand side is the little living room.
Full on view of my house! The two downstairs doors are the kitchen and the bathroom. I'm lucky because the kitchen is already fully equipped (with running water and a sink!!) and the bathroom has a shower head (lucky!) but no hot water. The ground is dirt there, and there's a traditional table for lying on/eating on/lounging on you can kind of see behind the stairs. To the left and right of the house these are small gardens. I couldn't be happier about that. :)